by Wojciech Gierszewski | Dec 20, 2022 | trademark
Trademark and “silent company” It happens that several people undertake a joint economic venture, which is branded outside only by one of them. The reasons for this state of affairs are various. Sometimes it’s a reluctance to form a commercial law...
by Wojciech Gierszewski | Dec 6, 2022 | deisgn, design
NOVEMBER INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS AND PATENT TROLLS Constant supervision over registrations of industrial designs (or Community designs in the case of designs registered with EUIPO) is one of the daily elements of our work. One of the dishonest ways to use the industrial...
by Wojciech Gierszewski | Dec 1, 2022 | trademark
ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS TO A TRADEMARK – COGNITION OF THE PATENT OFFICE Most changes concerning industrial property rights entered in the registers kept by the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland require the submission of an application and the presentation of...