by Wojciech Gierszewski | Nov 10, 2023 | trademark
EXHAUSTION OF RIGHT OR CONSENT OF THE TM HOLDER? Exhaustion of the trademark right is one of the most important limitation of the trademark right, which allows further trade of goods with trademarks originating from the right holder. In the EU reality, this exhaustion...
by Wojciech Gierszewski | Oct 4, 2023 | copyright, EN, trademark
TM REGISTRATION CANNOT BE RETALIATION ON FORMER EMPLOYEE Many cases related to intellectual property or, more broadly, unfair competition, originate from actions taken by former employees of a given entity. Typically, such an employee starts a competitive business in...
by Wojciech Gierszewski | Jun 1, 2023 | Bez kategorii, copyright, deisgn, design
INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY DESIGN FOR CLOTHING INDUSTRY Each industry in which entrepreneurs operate has various opportunities in practice to protect intellectual property rights – i.e., among other things, the designs on products, their shape, the composition of...
by Wojciech Gierszewski | May 2, 2023 | Bez kategorii, czyn nieuczciwej konkurencji, trademark
SEO WITH SOMEONE ELSE’S TRADEMARK The possibility of reaching new customers quickly can be so tempting for some entrepreneurs that they opt for marketing strategies with questionable trademark and competition compliance. One such practice that is definitely...
by Wojciech Gierszewski | Apr 19, 2023 | Bez kategorii, czyn nieuczciwej konkurencji
APOLOGY FOR FILING AN OBVIOUSLY BASELESS LAWSUIT Competitive struggle between entrepreneurs should take place in the market. Worse if it moves to the courtroom, because it usually means violating the rights or interests of one of the entities. Even worse, however, if...