by Wojciech Gierszewski | Nov 22, 2022 | deisgn, patent, trademark
PHONETICAL SIMILARITY OF SIGNS Where a later trade mark is similar or identical to an earlier trade mark registered with EUIPO, following a written complaint by the person concerned, the Office examines the likelihood of confusion and the likelihood of association. As...
by Wojciech Gierszewski | Sep 30, 2022 | EN, patent
#MARKADVERTISING, NEW RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PRESIDENT OF UOKiK Influencers are online creators who, due to the content they publish, can have a real impact on their followers. Instagram, Facebook and YouTube are the areas of their activity. Along with the growing...
by Wojciech Gierszewski | Sep 16, 2022 | copyright, patent, trademark
SIGNIFICANTLY CHANGED FORM OF THE TRADEMARK BASIS The reasons for the expiry of the trademark protection right are set out in Art. 169 IPL However, one of them is the loss of distinctive features by the registered trademark as a result of the actions of the owner....
by Wojciech Gierszewski | Sep 12, 2022 | deisgn, EN, trademark, utility models
CHRONOLOGY OF ACTIVITIES IN REGISTRATION OF A COMMUNITY DESIGN BAGS – REGISTER FIRST, THEN ADVERTISE It must be admitted that the fashion industry is one of the most difficult and susceptible to complicated processes of obtaining, enforcing and maintaining...
by Wojciech Gierszewski | Sep 6, 2022 | copyright, EN, patent
CONFERENCE “MODERN CHALLANGES OF IP” On September 2-3 this year. a conference in memory of recently deceased prof. William Cornish, a recognized specialist in intellectual property law. The conference was held under the slogan “Modern challenges of...