by Wojciech Gierszewski | Aug 19, 2022 | trademark
DESCRIPTIVENESS AND LEGAL PROTECTION OF A TRADEMARK A trademark is a sign that allows the recipient to distinguish the goods or services of one enterprise from the goods and services of another enterprise. It can take any form – it may contain a word, a drawing,...
by Wojciech Gierszewski | Aug 2, 2022 | copyright, deisgn, patent, trademark, utility models
PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL RIGHTS TO A PACKAGING The July issue of the packaging published an article by Dr. Wojciech Gierszewski, legal advisor and patent attorney, on how to protect the intellectual property rights of packaging producers. The article presents a...
by Wojciech Gierszewski | Jul 12, 2022 | trademark
SECURITY OF CLAIMS IN MATTERS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Intellectual property matters require the parties to react quickly to the actions of entities infringing their rights and to efficiently defend allegations of infringement of someone else’s rights....
by Wojciech Gierszewski | Jul 1, 2022 | trademark
NEW BOOK ON DESCRIPTIVENESS OF A TRADEMARK The latest publication by Wojciech Gierszewski, legal advisor and patent attorney, has already appeared in the Profiinfo bookstore. The publication is a practical guide to the descriptiveness of a sign, i.e. one of the...
by Wojciech Gierszewski | Jun 2, 2022 | trademark
RELATIVE GROUNDS OF REFUSAL OF A TRADEMARK In the proceedings concerning the application for a protection right for a trademark (i.e., the registration of a trademark), the Patent Office ex officio only examines the existence of absolute grounds for refusal (e.g....
by Wojciech Gierszewski | May 19, 2022 | trademark
WHAT YOU CAN DO WHEN A COMPETITOR USES YOUR TRADEMARK Entrepreneurs run their business under a name or logo of their choice in order to appear in the minds of their clients and create a specific image of their own brand. Therefore, it is extremely important for...